The body is the greatest possession, the mind is the greatest treasure, and the spirit is the greatest companion.
From the statement above, I can conclude that it want to say that ourself is precious. Every part of it have their benefits. In my view, 'body' refer to health. And as for us, we do really need to care of our health. As our health is the important element in our life. Imagined if you have problem with your health, you cannot do nothing with it. You will be weak. In addition, the mind and spirit was come along with our health. So, if you have a great health you will have a great mind and spirit. Everything's going to work well if you got this all in your life.
As for mind, the mind is the greatest treasure because if your mind is not in right condition you won't be able to think in a right way. Therefore, you cannot do anything without mind ! Do you ever heard about mind power role in achieving success in life ? In order to achieve success in life, the mind is actually play an important role. For example, you use your imaginations the things that you want to achieve or something like that, that are the power of mind. You cannot do that if you do not have great mind. Therefore, take good care of your mind and put your mind correctly.
Lastly, making sure your spirit is right is important. Because sprit divided to two ; bad and good. Therefore, you need to have a good one. If you have a good spirit it will desire you to do good and be good.
In a nutshell. this three element was related to each other. So you better got right for both element.
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