Thursday 7 April 2016

Stereotyping Is A Normal Action

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone :) Today I want to talk about one common thing that happened to us. It is about stereotype. Stereotyping is when you judge a group of people who are different from you based on your own or others opinion. Most stereotypes are true in some cases, but some are not.  However, as for me, stereotype can be good for us for some condition.  The reason is because we can know them because of the knowledge that we have.  After all, we cannot simply judge like that, we still need to observe them, get to know them, only then you know that person is really like your view or not.

Despite, that is not an easy as said, it is hard to avoid from doing that. Majority of us tend to be judgmental and follow what they feel true and did not hear others. So, I agree with the statement of stereotyping is exaggerated generalizations associated with a categorizing system, they go beyond the facts at hand and make claims that usually have no valid basis. Because this way of thinking it may bring negative effects to that person and also to you. So, my advice is stop being judgmental and you better got to know that person first.

That's all from my view, thank you.

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